Knowing how to read a coupon is obviously the most essential part of couponing. So here is a simple breakdown that will help you identify the basics.

1. TYPE OF COUPON  -  This indicates whether the coupon is manufacturer's coupon or a store coupon.

2. EXPIRATION DATE - You have until midnight to use the coupon on the day it expires. 

3. DISCOUNT AMOUNT - The dollar amount that the register will take off when the coupon is scanned.

4. ITEM TO BUY - This area includes the following important information and overrides the product picture on the coupon. 
  •  quantity of item you need to purchase - if no quantity is stated (sometimes it will say "ANY" then it is assumed as ONE item
  • specific product covered by the coupon
  • size of the product

5. BARCODE - The cashier scans this. (obviously, hahaha)

6. BARCODE NUMBER - If the barcode doesn't scan the cashier will key in this number.

7. RESTRICTIONS AND FINE PRINT - This particular coupon has 2 restrictions
  • limit 1 coupon per purchase: use 1 coupon per item you are purchasing
  • limit 4 like coupons per transaction: you can only use 4 of the same coupon in a transaction

8. STORE REDEEMING INSTRUCTIONS - You don't really need to know this. (not really).

Not too complicated, right? Ready for the next post, Couponing Codes and Definitions?

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